How Can You Benefit From Acupuncture?

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stress reduction acupuncture minneapolis mnEver wondered how acupuncture affects your body? Here is a brief list of how this ancient therapy helps you physiologically.

Acupuncture Stimulates:

* Endorphins and other neurotransmitters to reduce pain

* Leukocytes to fight infection and boost immune response

* Prostaglandins to reduce inflammation and swelling to prevent tissue damage

* Nerve conduction to regenerate healthy tissue and restore muscle tone

* Quicker recovery from soft tissue injury, surgery, or fracture

* Homeostatic normalization and regulation of all body functions

Other Benefits

* Regulates hypo or hyper conditions

* Reduces allergic reactions and helps decongest sinuses

* Relieves most types of headache

* Reduces TMJ pain and toothache

* Normalizes bowel function

* Benefits eyes, ears and brain function

* Reduces stress and promotes a sense of comfort and well being

* Helps relieve depression

* Promotes restful sleep

* Balances female hormones to normalize the menstrual
cycle and reduce PMS, perimenopause or menopausal symptoms.

Learn how you can optimize your health with this amazing health care system.
Call our Edina Acupuncture clinic at 952-831-8080 to set up your appointment for optimal health. Or go to our contact form now. You’ll be glad you did.

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