Are We A Drug Nation?

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Our U.S. health care system has been ranked as the worst among industrialized nations for five times. There are so many people out there that need help with their health. And there are way too many people on too many prescription drugs. Check out this hilarious Bill Maher video below.

Being unhealthy is no laughing matter. Imagine your life without those expensive prescription drugs and not risking your life on their side effects. At Complete Oriental Medical Care we are transforming the world, one person, one patient at a time. We use a proven combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbs and dietary therapy to optimize health. If you are looking for a natural, drug free, proven solution to optimal, pain free health call our Minneapolis clinic today at 952-831-8080. Or fill out our contact form now.

For more than 24 years Steven Sonmore helped people transform health problems into solutions for attaining better health. Steven is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and a certified instructor by Health Preservation Association. He is licensed by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice and certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Visit .

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