Acupuncture For Stroke Recovery (Hemiplegia Treatment)

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If you or a loved one has suffered a stroke or TIA (transient ischemic attack) and are looking for a natural treatment, acupuncture may be the solution. Acupuncture is effective in reducing symptoms after a stroke.

Prior to starting acupuncture, this patient had suffered from several post-stroke symptoms that severely disrupted his daily life. He had weakness in his left arm and numbness in his left hand and toes, making it difficult to walk or even hold objects. Additionally, he suffered from muscle stiffness that made it difficult to coordinate and balance. Walking became easier, he had more freedom of movement, and his left arm regained strength. Also, his muscles are less likely to become stiff, which improves overall balance and coordination. This treatment helped improve his quality of life.

Studies have shown the effectiveness of acupuncture for improving balance, reducing spasms, increasing muscle strength, and improving overall health. There is evidence that acupuncture promotes:

  • New nerve growth in the brain
  • Regulates blood circulation in damaged areas
  • Increases brain cell viability
  • Helps regulate neurochemicals
  • Improve memory after stroke

Complete Oriental Medical Care, an acupuncture clinic in Edina, employs an innovative approach that delivers results where others have failed. Our unique methods have already helped countless patients’ health and well-being. Discover the future of healing. Call 952-831-8080 or go to our contact page.

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