You can expect a very comfortable, relaxing and healing experience. Your first appointment includes a very complete health history. Then you will receive a very complete exam including Chinese pulse and tongue diagnosis. This instantly lets your acupuncturist know exactly what is going on in your body as well as the causative factors for such maladies like migraines, PMS, depression, back pain and allergies.
Through this diagnosis a treatment plan will be prepared. Then you will receive your first acupuncture treatment. Each treatment is custom tailored to your individual needs and condition.
In addition to your appointment times, individual attention is given to your case to research for the most effective treatment for your particular condition.
You will benefit from a licensed acupuncturist that knows Chinese medicine and how to treat your health problems effectively. Recommended treatments at our Minneapolis acupuncture clinic may include an assortment of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, dietary recommendations and lifestyle counseling. Stretching and breathing exercises, as well as self acupressure massage, may be prescribed for continued home conditioning.
Call us NOW at 952-831-8080 to schedule an appointment for better health.
To your better health,
Steven Sonmore, Licensed Acupuncturist
I had a recurring problem with swelling above my knees. I came to the clinic and had an acupuncture session with Steven and the very next day was able to bend my knee and I feel much better. I have had two sessions and I have had great results! This is a great clinic to go to for all complaints! You also get great advice as to what kind of herbs to use! Thank you so very much!”
Connie Olson, vocalist