National Headache Awareness Week June 5-11

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acupuncture migraine headache reliefYou’ve probably had headaches of some sort. Maybe you popped a Tylenol or Aspirin and forget about it. But some headaches need professional evaluation.

June 5-11 marks National Headache Awareness Week. Headaches obviously are complex, with a wide range of causes from sinus problems, to eyestrain, stress, lack of sleep or even drinking too much caffeine.

The goals of National Headache Awareness Week are:
• to attract recognition that headache pain is a real and legitimate condition
• to encourage sufferers to see a licensed health professional for proper diagnosis and treatment
• to let headache sufferers know that there are treatments for their condition that works.

Taking a pain reliever for a headache, while sometimes temporarily effective in relieving the symptoms of the headache, just suppresses the symptoms and doesn’t address the root cause one bit. This health problem will continue to manifest as a headache or other physical symptoms.

Imagine finally being rid of your headaches or migraines…without drugs, without days in bed, without trips to the ER and without worry of when the next one might strike. Imagine finally being free from your headaches or migraines and enjoying life the way it’s meant to be.

Headaches are not normal. This is a sign that something is wrong. Your body was designed to be pain free. Even an occasional headache is a sign of something not functioning right.

At our Minneapolis clinic we help people enjoy life without the excruciating pain of headaches naturally. If you have not been to our clinic before, stop by and we will give you a free packet of information on how to prevent headaches. Or set up an appointment to be pain free. Just call 952-831-8080. You’ll be glad you did.

If you are a man or woman seeking headache or migraine relief living in the greater Minneapolis/St. Paul, Twin Cities area be sure to sign up for our free e-book: Acupuncture for Cynics: A Guide To Chinese Medicine.

About the author: For more than 20 years Steven Sonmore helped people transform health problems into solutions for attaining better health. Steven is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and a certified instructor by Health Preservation Association. He is licensed by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice and certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Visit

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