Acupuncture for Quit Smoking – 7 Essential Strategies

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quit smoing with acupunctureIn order to assist you in quitting cigarette smoking, our acupuncturist will work on 7 essential strategies:

  1. Detoxification: Detoxifying your organs that are the most affected by smoking such as the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, and nervous system.
  2. Withdrawal symptoms: Eliminating the troublesome side effects of withdrawal.
  3. Reduce of eliminate cravings for nicotine.
  4. Strengthening the willpower: Allows you to tap into your inner strength to resist the temptation to smoke.
  5. Strengthening the Lungs: Build up your lung energies which have been damaged by smoking.
  6. Removing stagnation and heat from the Lungs: These are the byproducts of smoking and create an obstruction to the healing of the lungs if not addressed.
  7. Emotions: Helps one deal with the emotional roots of her/his tobacco cravings.

Would you like to transform into a healthier you? Think about in just 3 acupuncture visits you can quit smoking and do it. Call us today at 952-831-8080 or fill out our contact form.

“Worry less, take action more.”

Taoist Wisdom

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