How Acupuncture Helps Women Achieve Better Health – Minneapolis, MN

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At our Minneapolis acupuncture clinic about 70% of our clients are women suffering from health concerns such as PMS, migraines, menstrual cramps, hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, endometriosis and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

Acupuncture is one of the most ancient and widely used therapies of health care in our world today. Literally billions of people have sought out acupuncture to treat a wide variety of chronic and acute health problems.

If you are a woman that struggles with migraines, PMS or hot flashes there is a very good chance that our style of acupuncture can offer you an effective and lasting solution to your problem. Many people wonder if acupuncture works. There are many studies that prove the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture addresses the vital life energy of your body and mind. Its goal is to balance the patterns of disharmony by improving blood circulation and balancing your energy. This is accomplished on many different levels – physically, mentally and emotionally. Take as an example PMS. Many women experience anxiety during this time of the month. Acupuncture treatments can not only relieve the breast tenderness, cramps, constipation and bloating…but also thankfully resolve mood swings, depression and anxiety.

This is why many women schedule acupuncture treatments for their health issues at our clinic. It works for hormonal problems, PCOS, UTI (urinary tract infection), insomnia and hot flashes when nothing else will, including prescription drugs. This is why acupuncture is so popular. If you suffer from any of the aforementioned female concerns, acupuncture is likely the missing link in your health regime.

Acupuncture is an incredible way for women to stay in balance and enjoy a higher quality of life.

If you are a women seeking better health in the Minneapolis/St. Paul/Twin Cities area be sure to click this link to learn more and sign up for our free e-book: Acupuncture For Cynics . Then set up your appointment for optimal health by calling 952-831-8080. Our friendly receptionist will answer any questions you may have. Or go to our contact page now.

About the author: For more than 28 years Steven Sonmore helped people transform health problems into solutions for attaining better health. Steven is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and a certified instructor by Health Preservation Association. He is licensed by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice and certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Visit our Twin Cities clinic site at

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