Headache Pain Relief Better With Acupuncture Than With Medication
Headaches are probably one of the most nagging, painful conditions people suffer from. Work is often missed because of the pain. It’s difficult to concentrate and it’s just plain difficult to enjoy life. Acupuncture is one of the most effective ways to treat headaches and that was verified by an important study.
Duke University conducted a study on headache treatment and concluded that acupuncture is more effective that prescription medication in diminishing headache pain frequency and severity. Researchers reviewed 31 studies. 62 percent of the acupuncture recipients declared headache pain relief compared to 45 percent patients taking prescription medication. They took into account that correct acupuncture technique was important in bringing positive results.
At our Edina acupuncture clinic we treat headaches successfully everyday. If you endure headache pain call 952-831-8080 to set up your appointment for pain relief. Or go to our contact page.
Introducing a new gentle treatment here at our Edina acupuncture clinic: Laser Acupuncture also known as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or Cold Laser Therapy.
Fireworks in the sky, wellness in your life. Declare independence from stress this 4th of July with acupuncture. You CAN live your life on your OWN terms,